Omella Greeting

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Tugas Method TEFL.

Tugas Method TEFL
1.The First experience English Introduction.

I had known English when I was still Elementary School.I thoght,that English language was very difficult for me becouse the understanding and pronoun words was not eassy.The first I had known English about vocabulary and greatting daily activity.Before I tried practice speaking I heared English Listening to followed pronounciation.In the learning I just remembered eassy vocabulary and general greating and also remembered number.If I got difficulty of vocabulary I always opened my small dictionary. And to pronoun English words I always followed said my teachers,so it was my first learning English process.

2.Lebih Bagus manakah  bahasa inggris yang diajarkan dari native speaker dan guru Bahasa Inggris?
    answer :
I think english teacher is better than native speaker,becouse the english teacher have skill education method to transfer experience to student,So to tell English learning the teacher has known strategy about undrestanding ability personel to make more understand student.and in generaly  the teacher have same language to teaching English.If Native speaker they just have high  English skill,but to transfer or teaching is still better teacher,becouse the  native speaker don't have education science.

So,before the student learn English with native speaker,the better must learn with english teacher,becose the teacher heve strtegy process Learning.